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Monday, May 10, 2010

Google launches instant translation tool

The Google Goggles visual search application has been updated to include new features that enable it to recognise and translate words from one language to another. The search giant claims that the move could spell the end of tourists struggling with foreign menus.

Google Goggles combines web search with the images from the high-quality cameras that now feature on most smartphones. So taking a picture of, say, Big Ben and pressing search allows users to see information about the landmark. Now the app’s “region of interest” box can be used to select text and the programme will then recognise the text and give the option to translate. Google says that it “does its best” to detect what language the original is in.
The option currently supports English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. Google says that it plans to extend the recognition feature to other languages, based on both Latin and non-Latin scripts.

The company also says that the new version of Goggles, 1.1, “features a larger database of recognized objects, improved user interface, and the ability to initiate visual searches using images in your phone’s gallery”.

Goggles and so-called “augmented reality” apps are part of a new breed of applications that aim to use information gathered in the real world to add to web services and make results specific to a user’s location. So far, however, most are not in mainstream usage.

Flash does not like Android

IT IS STARTING TO LOOK LIKE Adobe's plan to move away from Apple land and into the world of Android might run aground.

Web standards developer Jeff Croft wrote in his blog that Ryan Stewart, a Flash platform evangelist at Adobe, showed him a demo of Flash Player 10.1 running on his Nexus One phone.

Ryan pulled up a site called Eco Zoo. It is, seemingly, a pretty intense example of Flash development full of 3D rendering, rich interactions, and cute little characters.

Then, he pulled up the same thing on his Nexus One. The site's progress bar filled in and the 3D world appeared for a few seconds before the browser crashed.

Apparently Ryan said "Whoops! Well, it's beta, and this is an intense example - let's try it again." He tried it again and got the same result.

So he said to the audience, "Well, this one isn't going to work, but does anyone have a Flash site they'd like to see running?" A wag shouted out Hulu and Ryan sheepishly said, "Hulu doesn't work."

Croft said that Flash on Android is beta and so it is expected that it's crashy and buggy at this stage. He said that Adobe should not show off buggy software at this point.

We guess that the world plus dog has a perception problem that Abobe's software is buggy, therefore anything that it does that goes wrong falls into Apple's spin about the product

10 best free Android games

The Great Land Grab
Brain Genius Deluxe
Air Control

Download the Android SDK

You can get the android sdk at
Seperate versions are available for linux, win and macOS

And start coding :-)
Check the link

Hacker David Wang brings Android to the IPhone 3G

Hacker David Wang, who is also known as “planetbeing” on the Internet, this week successfully ported the full Android OS on the iPhone 3G; thereby being able to establish connection to Wi-Fi; browse the Web; and send and receive SMS texts.

Wang elaborated that with Android running on the iPhone 3G - the version, which Wang describes as the “nasty plastic, easily scratched back” -, he can also access Android Market apps, so long s they do not need audio support.

Noting that sound is currently not running on the Android port, Wang said that since a number of new developers also working towards modifying the iPhone to run Android, their help will surely lead to “bring the system to production quality before too long.”

Wang further stated that once he is able to get audio support up and running, he would post guidelines for others to make their iPhones run Android. While Wang has not currently published the requisite code, he is hopeful that within the next few days, he will be able to launch a polished version of the iPhone’s Andorid port for public consumption.

Wang, who is well-known in the hacking circles as being one of the leading contributors to the iPhone 3GS jailbreak, had created a stir a few weeks back when he showed off a 2G iPhone which he got running a modified Android OS kernel.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Who is 'AndyRoid'

Android is an operating system (or, more precisely, a software stack) for mobile devices that includes middleware and key applications, and uses a modified version of the LinuxKernel.
It was initially developed by Android Inc., a firm later purchased by Google, and lately by the Open Handset Alliance. It allows developers to write managed code in the Java Language, controlling the device via Google-developed Java libraries.
According to a press estimate, the Android platform ranks as the fourth most popular smartphone device-platform in the United States as of February 2010

My intro

Was thinking a lot on how i am going to spend my lonely time, a little informative So reached here.Then i started thinking of a topic which can get applause, coz i want to blog everyday. Movie, Masala, Loneliness, Tech, Adventure...?
Then end up with Android which is top business these days
My plan is to post not anything but everything on this Andy Roid:-)
Looking forward guys n gals
